Nature Inspired Designs

Katie_connection imageBy Katie McGuire, D2D Studio Intern

Why is it that humans desire so strongly to connect with nature? It is fall here in Colorado, and usually the trees will have shed their leaves by now due to the early frosts we are prone to in the mile high city. This year, though, we have been delighted with rich golds and oranges and the crunchy accumulation of spent leaves, as well as the softly waving tendrils of decorative grasses. When driving down the boulevard in my subdivision I am thrilled with the change in scenery. Although we don’t know why we desire to connect to our earth we can acknowledge the feeling and how it has been communicated in architecture and design around the world, in all time periods. Even now the most successful interiors incorporate natural features and materials, or create framework that showcases the surrounding landscapes. Now, for your enjoyment, some links to especially dramatic assimilations of nature into architecture:
1.       A room in the Conrad Hilton”

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